Gender equality contributes to the future development of Cramo

Cramo aims to create a positive work environment, characterised by diversity and equal opportunity, where different experiences, skills and competences align with our customers’ current and future needs. Gender equality has been on our agenda for several years, it is also a top priority for our customers.

In this article we present three examples on how we work towards a more gender equal rental industry and how we meet the demands from customers regarding diversity and gender equality.

#1 Targets to increase the share of female employees. In 2019, Cramo set new targets, aiming to increase the share of female employees on different levels within the organisation. Our target is to have 15% female employees within the operational organisation and 20% female managers by 2023. The performance is monitored on Group and local level, and activities are planned as part of the business planning and budgeting process. During the last strategy period 2017-2019, we increased the share of female managers from 12% to 17%.

 #2 All forms of discrimination and harassment are to be counteracted. Our Code of Conduct guides us in our daily work. The Code covers several areas, including discrimination and harassment, and is systematically communicated and anchored throughout the organisation. Suspicions of misconduct are encouraged to be reported to the manager, the HR manager or through Cramo’s whistleblowing system. The system is provided by an external party, ensuring full anonymity.

 #3 Meeting the demands from customers regarding diversity and gender equality. We also develop ways to meet the demands from customers regarding diversity and gender equality. One such example is the project we are running together with some of our major customers regarding gender equal site huts, i.e. site huts with solutions that enables for example separate changing facilities for men and women.

Our focus on gender equality is an important part of our work. We are convinced that our ability to offer attractive workplaces for all our employees, where men and women of different ages and backgrounds have the same opportunities for development, is key to our success.